Saturday, April 26, 2014


I feel unfulfilled.
I don't feel like I'm being the person I want to be.
I put off so many things.
Boring and exciting things.
Chores and going out.
I want to go to the museum.  I want to watch more movies. I want to do my laundry and organize my apartment. I want to make things. I want to exercise. I want to learn how to play guitar. I want to cook good food. I want to grow things. I want to read and learn. I want to take more photographs.

But I don't . I do none of it.
I sit on my bed and look at my computer whenever I have free time.

I keep saying I'm going to put myself on an internet diet.
I will only give myself so many hours per day or per week of internet time, and the rest has to be used for other things. Give myself a quota or something.
It'd be easy enough to make a list of things I need to get done, and I can get motivated to do those things a lot of the time, but when they're done, I just end up in bed on the internet. I need to use that time better.

My life is running away from me faster all of the time.
I've wasted all this time.
There is a big part of my brain that refuses to accept the fact that one day I will die.
I will run out of time to do all the things that I keep telling myself that I'm going to do later.